Neutral Characters Wiki




Neutral Characters Wiki

The suitors of Akane Tendo are a barrage of boys that appears as initial antagonists in Ranma ½.


All this boys of Furinkan High School were in love with Akane since some time prior to the start of the series. Since Tatewaki Kuno made a decree—given as his entry for a school speech contest—stating he would punish anyone who tried to date her without first defeating her in combat, all of them used their sport abilities to defeat her every morning when she arrived at school, however Akane always defeated all of them without any problem. During the first episodes of the series they also confronts Ranma Saotome, who was engaged with Akane. All of them soon learns about their engagement and decided to call the assaults off.


Each boy has abilities on different sports as boxing, karate, tennis, swordplay or even dancing. However, none of their abilities were match for Akane or Ranma's martial arts abilities.



        Rumiko Takahashi Neutrals

Urusei Yatsura Logo
Nagisa Shiowatari | Mr. Shiowatari
Kasumi Tendo | Nabiki Tendo | Tatewaki Kuno | Akane's suitors | Kaori Daikoku | Golden Pair | Tsubasa Kurenai | Mariko Konjo | Nodoka Saotome | Mrs. Tendo
Inuyasha Logo
Mr. Higurashi | Mrs. Higurashi | Sōta Higurashi | Grandpa Higurashi | Buyo
