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Neutral Characters Wiki

Get out of here!
~ Alfred's brother to Alfred.
Alfred: T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring... except for my brother, who was up feeding his porn addiction.

Phat Dawg: Wait, wait, wait. That wasn't how Christmas got started, that was just one of your semi-traumatising childhood memories.
Alfred: SHUT UP PHAT DAWG, IT'S MY STORY!!! Maybe I have my times mixed up.

Alfred's older brother is a minor character in the 2009 Newgrounds animation Alfred's StoryofChristmas. He is the porn-addicted older brother of Alfred Alfer.

He was voiced by Emily Youcis, who also voiced The Ghost of Christmas Past, Tiny Tim, Mary, Mauray, God, Santa and Buddha in the same short, along with Alfred's Boss and Cell Phone Dog in Rise of Alfred, the Fed-X Mailman in Alfred's Playhouse and Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ Porn Star and Alfred in Where The Dead Go To Die.


Alfred's older brother looks like a taller, shaggier version of Alfred with a deeper voice and a brown nose instead of a purple one. He owns a sex doll of a Caucasian woman with pink underwear and an old computer.


Alfred's older brother is only ever seen in a flashback during the non-canon short Alfred's StoryofChristmas. He's said to have a porn addiction, shown to have his own sex doll and monitor, and is unhappy upon Alfred walking in on him, although a lot of people would be.


  • Alfred's brother is the only biological member of Alfred's family to ever be seen.
    • One could argue that Labby appears as a grotesque amalgamation of the people who ruined Alfred's life (His parents, along with Beria), thus depicting Alfred's parents in a way, although it's never outright confirmed that Alfred's parents are dogs, nor is it even confirmed that Labby is meant to represent Alfred's parents in any way, shape or form.


           AlfredAlferLogo Neutrals

Alfred and Phat Dawg era (2005 - 2007)
The Laser Pointer
Cashier | Fat Man | Cat Lady | Convict | Police Officer
Rise of Alfred
Burritobell Diners | Burritobell (Advisor Babydoll-With-Screwdriver-Up-Peehole, Alfred's Boss, Cell Phone Dog, Fry Cook Dog, Mark) | Grimace & Birdie | Ronald McDonald Statue | Valentines Day Couple | Watermelon Vendor
Alfred's Playhouse era (2007 - 2011)
Alfred's Playhouse
Fed-X Mailman | Unidentified Arm
Alfred's StoryofChristmas
Alfred's Older Brother | Ass | Bob Marley | Buddha | David | Easter Bunny | Fidel Castro | George W Burning Bush | God | Goliath | Joseph | Lions | Mary | Maury | Moses (The Jewish one) | Noah | Rudolph | Santa | Scrooge | Teletubbies | Christmas Ghosts | Tiny Tim | Tooth Fairy
Father Oceania | Walmart Siblings
The Alfred Alfer Movie era (2012 - 2016)
The Alfred Alfer Movie
Alfred's Owners | Internet Troll | Liberal Protestor | Where The Dead Go To Die (Crows, N****rmelon, Where The Dead Go To Drink Patrons, Zombie Performers)
Schoolgirl Alfred in: I Remember You
G.G. Allin
Where The Dead Go To Die
Alfred Alfer
