Neutral Characters Wiki




Neutral Characters Wiki
Neutral Characters Wiki

Armin's parents, also known as Mr. and Mrs. Arlert, are minor characters in Attack on Titan. They were the unseen parents of Armin Arlert, who desired to explore the outside world just as their young son. They constructed a hot air balloon to explore the lands outside, but were stopped by the Military Police's First Interior Squad.


Mr. Arlert[]

Armin’s father was a rotund, middle-aged man. He had short blonde hair that he kept to the back of his head, along with having small eyebrows and a thick mustache. He also had large blue eyes that his son Armin would inherit.

Mrs. Arlert[]

Armin’s mother was a middle- aged woman with light blonde hair that she kept in a short ponytail. She had a rather calm expression on her face, with light small eyes and having thick dark eyebrows and a short nose, which her son Armin would later inherit.


It’s assumed that Armin’s parents were a very brave and bright couple. Daring to go against the Walls policies so they can explore the outside world and attain its knowledge, which their son Armin would also later have. They were quite intelligent and knowledgeable, having an illegal book that included illustrations of the outside world, and they would construct a hot air balloon to escape the Walls they build by themselves.



Mr. and Mrs. Arlert were an inventive couple that worked as mechanics in Shiganshina District. They had a lot of wonder for the outside world and even had a book that contains artworks from the world beyond the Walls.

On the year 834, on November the 3rd. Mrs. Arlert gave birth to their son Armin.

The book they had would be found by Armin and showed it to his friend Eren. Armin explains what it shows fascinating the both of them and Armin would then say that his parents are planning on leaving the Walls soon.

Armin’s parents would construct a hot air balloon, and after it was completed ventured to a discrete location to escape. But they were discovered by the Interior Police, who were tasked by the Royal Government with maintaining order in the Walls to protect its “Paradise”. As the couple tried to escape, they were shot down by a firing squad, which included a man named Djel Sannes.

Armin now being an orphan, was adopted by his grandfather, who was Mr. Arlert’s father.

Royal Government Arc[]

As Djel sannes is being tortured, he includes Armin’s parents as one of the many people that had to die so the Walls' safety could be sustained.


            AOT logoNeutrals

Paradis Island
Royal Family
Rod and Uri's father | Frieda Reiss | Rod's wife | Urklyn Reiss | Dirk Reiss | Abel Reiss | Florian Reiss | Historia's child | Historia's husband

Survey Corps
Dieter | Jurgen | Ivan
Defected Yeagerists: Oliver | Yeagerist Guard

Military Police
officers: Dennis Aiblinger | Roeg | Waltz | Settlement MP
other members: Boris Feulner | Reinforcement MPs

Training Corps
Mylius Zeramuski | Nac Tias | Hannah Diamant | Franz Kafka | Tom | Ruth D. Kline | Eaten Soldier | Logistics Soldiers

Nobility: Lord Wald
Ackerman Family: Mr. Ackerman | Mikasa's mother | Kuchel Ackerman | Grandfather Ackerman
Arlert Family: Armin Arlert's parents | Grandfather Arlert
Springer Family: Mrs. Springer | Sunny Springer | Martin Springer
Others: Carla Yeager | Moses' mother | The three bullies | Jean's mother | Petra's father | Ellie | Kaya's mother | Marie Dok | Alma | Erwin’s father | Trost District citizen | The Bar Owner | Orvud District children | The Orphans | Eldian demonstrators

Marleyan Military
Warrior Unit: Tom Ksaver | Marcel Galliard | Udo | Zofia
Army soldiers: Koslow
Marley Navy: First Survey Fleet Captain | Liberio Port Sailor | Navy Engineers
Public Security Authorities: Liberio Gatekeeper

Tybur Family: Lara Tybur | Elderly Tyburs | Willy Tybur's wife | Fine Tybur | Willy Tybur's younger children
Yeager Family: Faye Yeager | Mr. Yeager | Mrs. Yeager
Braun Family: Karina Braun | Gabi's parents | Reiner's uncle | Reiner's aunt | Reiner's cousin
Grice Family: Grice | Grice brothers' parents
Galliard Family: Galliard brothers' parents
Others: Reiner's father | Liberio Interment Zone Doctor | Liberio Interment Zone Nurse | Marley diplomatic ambassador | Tower Cleaner | Ramzi | Halil| Ramzi's grandfather | Subjects of Ymir Refugee representative | The Clown | The Baby

Mid-East Allied Forces
Military members
Mid-East Alliance machine gunners | Wounded Mid-East Alliance soldier
Mid-East ambassador | Ramzi (formerly) | Halil (formerly) | Ramzi's grandfather (formerly) |
