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Ramsay will use your women as his prey. He'll hunt them down, rape them, and feed their corpses to his dogs. If they lead him a good chase, he may name his next litter of bitches after them.
~ Theon Greyjoy, to Abel.
Ramsay Bolton: My hounds will never harm me.
Sansa: You haven't fed them in seven days, you said it yourself.
Ramsay: They're loyal beasts.
Sansa: They were. Now they're starving.
~ Ramsay and Sansa following the Battle of the Bastards.

The Bastard's Girls are minor antagonists in the A Song of Ice and Fire novel series and its television adaptation Game of Thrones.

They are a pack of vicious hunting hounds guided by Ramsay Bolton. Their nickname was given by Theon Greyjoy. Each dog is named after one of Ramsay's victims, but they are only named after women who entertained Ramsay. One of them is named after Theon's former mistress Kyra.

The dogs are all mean tempered bitches, and are looked after by Ben Bones, the kennelmaster of the Dreadfort. Under Ramsay's instructions, Ben also trained the hounds to kill wolves. They don't hurt Theon, as they see him as a friend.

The Hounds[]

  • Grey Jeyne: Along with Maude, she kills one of Lord Harwood Stout's hounds over a meaty bone that Will Short tosses to them while at Lord Ramsay's feast at Goldgrass.
  • Helicent: She curls up at the feet of Theon Greyjoy, who considers her to be a good dog.
  • Jez: Another one of the bastard's girls.
  • Alison: When the surviving Ironborn at the Neck surrender to Lord Ramsay at the end of the Siege of Moat Cailin, one of the Codds tries to kiss Ramsay's ring in thanks. Alison attacks him in defense, taking a chunk out of his ear when he approaches, yet the man limps off still muttering thanks (although he gets flayed alive, along with all his comrades after dinner).
  • Kyra: The newest of the pack. Named after Theon's mistress from Winterfell's winter town, Kyra, who was tricked by Ramsay into finding the keys to Theon's dungeon. After releasing Theon, the human Kyra fled the Dreadfort with him, only to discover the garrison had deliberately left the two run away in the woods, so that Ramsay could hunt them down. Despite their efforts to escape, Theon and Kyra were captured once more, and the latter suffered a slow and painful death, perishing at the age of 19 or 20. As Ramsay enjoyed hunting her, his newest bitch was named after her.
  • Maude: Along with Grey Jeyne, she kills one of Lord Harwood Stout's hounds over a meaty bone that Will Short tosses to them while at Lord Ramsay's feast at Goldgrass.
  • Red Jeyne: Lean and hard muscle. She licks the hand of Theon, who considers her to be a good dog.
  • Sara: Another one of the bastard's girls.
  • Willow: Another one of the bastard's girls.


Game of Thrones[]

Season 4[]

The hounds were hunting down Tansy, a serving girl in the Dreadfort who had caught Myranda's ire, with Theon Greyjoy, their master Ramsay Bolton, and Myranda. As the hounds are chasing her, Ramsay and Myranda tries to shot her with their bows and Theon was struggling to keep up with his limp. After Myranda injures Tansy with an arrow to the thigh, Ramsay orders his hounds to eat her right in front of Theon's eyes.

When Yara Greyjoy was going to rescue Theon from the Dreadfort, she finds him being kept in the castle's kennels instead of the dungeons. Ramsay frees his hounds after most of Yara's comrades are killed in the ensuing skirmish and Theon bites her to return to his cage which had grown weak because of the fighting. The Ironborn flee the hounds and make them return to their ships.

Ramsay's hounds were moved to Winterfell for taking up residence in Winterfell's kennels.

Season 5[]

Myranda and Sansa were going to the kennels where Theon was in with the hounds in the process, ragarding her viciously.

Myranda tells Sansa that Ramsay feeds his hounds with the women on his life which he considered boring, including even Tansy.

Season 6[]

Two groups of hounds were sent with a group of Ramsay's henchman to find Sansa and Theon after they escaped Winterfell. The hounds after a fight, because aren't like their large and more muscular counterparts, they were probably killed or drived.

Ramsay orders Wolkan to feed Myranda's body found in Winterfell to his hounds, only because he doesn't want to waste "good meat".

Later on, Ramsay feeds his own hounds Walda Frey and his newborn brother, resulting in him being the only remaining Bolton.

After the end of Battle of the Bastards, Ramsay was locked in the kennels with his hounds freed from their cages, and after he believed that his hounds will never harm him since they were "loyal beasts", their hunger destroyed their loyalty, resulting in savagely devouring their master alive.

After that, Ramsay's hounds were never heard off again, leaving their fate unknown.


  • They were on the Villains Wiki for a short while, but were removed for the fact that despite how vicious they are. The hounds are still just regular animals who were ordered by Ramsay to do their deeds.
           A Song of Ice and Fire Neutrals

Tommen I Baratheon | Myrcella Baratheon | Helaena Targaryen | Lucerys Velaryon | Joffrey Velaryon | Aemma Arryn | Robert Arryn | Ralf Kenning | Marillion | Will | Tyland Lannister | Arys Oakheart | Balon Swann | Osmund Kettleblack | Jasper Wylde | Gwayne Hightower | Elia Martell | Lyanna Stark | Walda Bolton | Lommy Greenhands | Mellos | Orwyle | Mushroom | Laenor Velaryon | Vaemond Velaryon | Steelshanks Walton | Ebrose | Boake | Bernadette | Qoren Martell | Dickon Tarly | Talla Tarly

Faceless Men | Spice King | Silk King | Copper King | Tycho Nestoris | Waif | Aggo | Iggo | White Rat

Bastard's Girls | Lady | Nymeria Stranger
