Neutral characters who have moral agency issues, having zero or limited understanding of morals. They could be ferals or predators who hunt and kill for food, creations made without moral awareness, people with a mental illness that complicates their understanding of good and evil or simply characters possessed or brainwashed by another character. In some cases, this is the main reason why they are neutral characters despite their actions being seen heroic or villainous at first.
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- Abyssal Lagiacrus
- Acidic Glavenus
- Agnaktor
- Ahtal-Ka
- Akantor
- Aknosom
- Alatreon
- Almudron
- Amatsu
- Anglerfish (Finding Nemo)
- Anjanath
- Ankylosaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Ant (Smiling Friends)
- Anteka
- Apceros
- Aptonoth
- Archie the Scare Pig
- Artificial Chaos
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- Ash Kecha Wacha
- Ashen Lao-Shan Lung
- Astalos
- Aurora Somnacanth
- Azure Rathalos
- Baggi
- Baleful Gigginox
- Banbaro
- Bandit
- Barioth
- Barnos
- Barracuda
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- Bazelgeuse
- Bear (Minions)
- Beotodus
- Berserk Tetsucabra
- Big Buff
- Bigfoot (A Goofy Movie)
- Bird (A Bug's Life)
- Bishaten
- Black Diablos
- Black Gravios
- Blackveil Vaal Hazak
- Blango
- Blangonga
- Blood Orange Bishaten
- Blue Fish
- Blue Yian Kut-Ku
- Bob (Animator vs. Animation)
- Boggi
- Bombadgy
- Brachiosaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Brachydios
- Brute Tigrex
- Bulldozers
- Bulldrome
- Bullfango
- Carnotaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Ceadeus
- Ceanataur
- Cephadrome
- Cephalos
- Ceratosaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Chameleos
- Chaotic Gore Magala
- Chickens (Minecraft)
- Colo Claw Fish
- Conga
- Congalala
- Copper Blangonga
- Coral Pukei-Pukei
- Cortos
- Cows (Minecraft)
- Crimson Glow Valstrax
- Crimson Qurupeco
- Cuddles the Hamster
- Gaismagorm
- Gajau
- Gallimimus (Jurassic Park)
- Gammoth
- Garangolm
- Gargwa
- Gastodon
- Gendrome
- Genprey
- Giadrome
- Giant Squid
- Giaprey
- Giganotosaurus (Jurassic World)
- Gigginox
- Girros
- Glacial Agnaktor
- Glavenus
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- Gogmazios
- Gold Rathian
- Goldbeard Cedeaus
- Golden Pair
- Gore Magala
- Goss Harag
- Gowngoat
- Gravios
- Great Baggi
- Great Girros
- Great Izuchi
- Great Jaggi
- Great Jagras
- Great Maccao
- Great Wroggi
- Green Nargacuga
- Green Plesioth
- Gypceros