Minor characters are characters who aid being mainly neutral, but can be either protagonists or antagonists with small roles in the story.
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Scout's Mother (Team Fortress 2) -
Mean Cop -
Rodrick Heffley -
Marcas Brickley -
Punks -
JonyDany12 -
Dell Conagher (Emesis Blue) -
Jeremy (Emesis Blue)
All items (495)
- A$AP Larry
- Aaron Clocker
- Abraham Lincoln (Team Fortress 2)
- Agent Fairley
- Akane's suitors
- Akkuman
- Albert (RWS)
- Albino Alligator
- Alistair's Family
- Amanda (We Bare Bears)
- Amda (Murder Drones)
- Amy (We Bare Bears)
- Andrew Davis Sr.
- Andy Olsen
- Angela (Stranger Things)
- Ann Codman
- Antioch Peverell
- Archives Guards
- Armzo
- Arvy Motorhome
- Augustus "Spike" Jones
- Azrael
- B. Everett
- Bacterian
- Bandages the Mummy
- Barnabus Hale
- Barracuda
- Barry DePedal
- Bastard's Girls
- Bear (Minions)
- Beatrice (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Bernie Kropp
- Bertram (Thomas & Friends)
- Bette Mann
- Bilious Hale
- Bill-Bel
- Billy Oilchanger
- Blenny
- Blitzer
- Blue's First Friend
- Bob (Doors)
- Bob Peterson
- Bobby Swift
- Bone Saw McGraw
- Bookworm
- Brachiosaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Braidon (Murder Drones)
- Bratty Kid
- Braxton (Murder Drones)
- Bread Boy
- Brenda (We Bare Bears)
- Brendon
- Bron
- Bruce Lowe
- Brush Curber
- Bubba Wheelhouse
- Bulstrode
- Butler Bear
- Butterfly (The Amazing World of Gumball)
- Cai (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
- Cal Weathers
- Cam Spinner
- Captain Craboo
- Captain Rum (Blackadder)
- Carla Veloso
- Carnival Barker
- Casey Becker
- Cat Priest (Red Dwarf)
- Celeste Inpax
- Celine (We Bare Bears)
- Ceratosaurus (Jurassic Park)
- Chad (Murder Drones)
- Chang Kuei-ching
- Chang Kuei-ching's son
- Charles Langley
- Charlotte (Cobra Kai)
- Chase Racelott
- Chen Hui
- Chen Kui-lin (10-year-old boy)
- Chen Kui-lin (scientist)
- Cheng Hsiao-mei
- Chip Goff
- Chrissie Watkins
- Christina Haben
- Chuck Armstrong
- Chuck Wallace
- Chuckles (Finding Nemo)
- Chuckles the Clown
- Cindy Stone
- Claire Harper
- Clarence Codman
- Claude Huggins
- Claude Scruggs
- Claustrophobic Steven
- Clifford
- Coach Russo
- Connie and Lonnie Rockwaller
- Conrad Camber
- Construction Men
- Costume
- Costume Bob
- Count Dracula (Minions)
- Crabby
- Crew of Red Dwarf
- Crusty Rotor
- Crying Boy
- Customer (Pizza Delivery)
- D325 (RWS)
- Daisy (Toy Story)
- Daiyousei
- Dale Earnhardt Jr. (Cars)
- Dan Carcia
- Danny Swervez
- Darren Leadfoot
- Darren Walsh
- Dave Hedgehog and Spudgun
- Davey Apex
- Davy Jones (Team Fortress 2)
- Dell Conagher (Emesis Blue)
- Demon Carnotaurus
- Dennis (Thomas & Friends)
- Derek (Thomas & Friends)
- Deserted Soldier
- Dick Head (Bottom)
- Diego (Case 39)
- Dirkson D'Agostino
- Doll's Victims
- Douglas Haig (Blackadder)
- Dr. Chambers
- Dr. Chao
- Dr. Damage
- Dr. Decker
- Dr. Frankenwagon
- Dr. Ridley
- Dr. Terence Wynn
- Dre Head
- Fake John Lark
- Fake Santa
- Farmer (We Bare Bears)
- Farmer Ernest
- Faye Yeager
- Fed-X Mailman
- Felicia Cori
- Female Pharmacist (Psycho-Pass)
- Fergus, Farkle and Felicia
- Ferris Olston
- First Survey Fleet Captain
- Flacco (DAAS Kapital)
- Flash Nilsson
- Flip Dover
- Floyd and Lloyd
- Floyd Eaglesan
- Floyd Mulvihill
- Food Truck Owners
- Frank (Cars)
- Fred (Cars)
- Fred (SpongeBob SquarePants)
- Freshy Bear
- Frosty Winterbumper
- Ganishka's Brother
- Ganishka's Father
- Gas Station Proprietor
- Gasman (Bottom)
- Gazelle
- Gelman
- Gengar's Former Trainer
- George III (Blackadder)
- George New-Win
- George Sanderson
- Gertrude of Flanders
- Ghost Engine
- Ghostly
- Ghosts (The Amazing World of Gumball)
- Giant Squid
- Gilbert the Globe
- Ginger Cow
- Glitz & Glam
- Godred
- Godzillasaurus
- Golden Pair
- Goldie (The Pig, the Snake and the Pigeon)
- Gordon Ramsay (South Park)
- Goz & Mez