“ | Hey Judy. I-I'd just like to say I'm sorry for the way I behaved in my youth, I had a lot of self-doubt and it manifested itself in the form of unchecked rage and aggression. I was a major jerk. | „ |
~ Gideon Grey apologizing to Judy Hopps |
Neutrals that initially started with corrupting qualities, but had shed them over time. An example being Ivan from the Curious George film, who initially wanted to evict Ted for bringing George into his apartment, but later had a change of heart at the end of the film.
In some rare cases, a neutral character can become Wholly Reformed if they lose all of their corrupting qualities.
They are the opposite of neutrals that are Debased.
- DO NOT ad neutral chatacters in this category if they fit in either of the following, such as:
- If they are brainwashed into being good, whether it be from having their meaness removed out of them or had their original personalities rewritten (i.e. Foxy Loxy).
- If they suffered from amnesia or some other mental illness that made them forget about their actions and don't know what they used to be like before.
- If they ally with other characters but still dislike them and does so for pragmatic reasons.
- if they simply just retire simply out of boredom, are unable to do what they usually do due to specific means, having accepted their fates or due to worsening health.
- If they had already succeeded in their goals, thus having no purpose/reason to continue on with their bad behavior.
- Characters who are very remorseful for their actions, but still refuse to take up the opportunity to reform and grow.
If any of the characters end up being in the following that would unqualify them gor this category, they would end up being in the "Faux Reformation" category instead.
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