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Neutral Characters Wiki

Bruh, stop being such a square.
~ Georgie to his younger brother Sammy, as well as his most infamous line.

Georgie is the main protagonist of the Dhar Mann video "Kid Uses Mom's Credit Card For Roblox". Hence the title, he uses his mom's credit card to buy Robux and an Oculus Rift without consent, as well as a PS5 (which turned out to be fake).

He is portrayed by Ayden Mekus.


His only appearance is in "Kid Uses Mom's Credit Card For Roblox", where, in the video, he uses his mom's credit card to buy Robux and an Oculus Rift without consent as stated above, despite various warnings from his brother Sammy. He was also planning on buying a PS5 using her money, only to find out that it was fake.

At the mall, a stranger walks up to them and offers to sell them a PS5 for half the retail price, which is $250. He agrees, but his brother tries stopping him, only to be interrupted by Georgie, who agrees to give the man his mom's card. However, Sammy believes that it's a scam, which turns out to be true, as the inside of the box was filled with nothing but rocks.

They decide to chase after the scammer, but he manages to get into his car and drive away before they could even catch up. At home, Georgie notices his mom calling the credit card company to press charges against the person who stole her card, in which she thinks he did it, but he confesses and pulls the Oculus Rift out of his backpack, claiming that they can still return it.

However, his mom still thinks it's not enough, as she claimed that he also bought a Rolex and a Gucci using her money as well, but he insists that neither of those were his. In the end, it was revealed that the credit card company she called was fake, and the "scammer" was actually revealed to be her assistant Joey, as she knew that Georgie stole her card to teach him a lesson. They then return the Oculus Rift afterward as a punishment for Georgie's misdeeds.


  • The line "Bruh, stop being such a square" became a meme due to how obvious it was that Dhar Mann was trying to appeal to children.


           DharMan Neutrals

Alex Brown | Bruno | Craig | Georgie | Coach Cooper | Isaac and Wilson | Matt | Mr. Smiley | Pierre | Principal Johnson | Rayna | Sergeant Stokes | Haters | Joey | Amir | Dillan | Cory

Also See
Vid Chronicles Neutrals | SoulSnack Neutrals | Queens Reality Neutrals | Paradigm Studios Neutrals | Sameer Bhavnani Neutrals | Family Chron Neutrals | Generation Hope Neutrals | Secret Diaries Neutrals | Jentzen Ramirez Neutrals | Piper Rockelle Neutrals | LOVE XO Neutrals | Secret Diaries Neutrals | Illumeably Neutrals | Life Lessons With Luis Neutrals | Sameer Bhavnani Neutrals | Life Reels Neutrals
