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Hapless is a bean whose head got eaten by a grizzly bear after he poked it with a stick.


Hapless is a yellow oval bean that occasionally holds a stick. His mouth is a little bigger than most other beans'. He is now headless with a spray of blood gushing out of his spine as he prodded around with the bear.


The grizzly bear quickly eats his upper torso after Hapless prods it with his stick. The outcome is a beheaded Hapless with bite marks, a bare bone, and the recognizable fountain-like blood spurts emerging from the bone.


As the second bean to reach the train station in both versions, Hapless can be unlocked for the player's train station. The player must simply complete the game for the first time in earlier iterations of Dumb Ways to Die to obtain him, which pales in comparison to the 12800 points needed to unlock him in more recent iterations. In more recent iterations, he is also the sixth item to be unlocked.

When the bear head is on the yellow-highlighted portion of the bar beneath Hapless, the player has to tap the screen. The bear will kill Hapless if the player taps too soon or too late. Otherwise, the bear spits out sweets after successfully doing so multiple times.


           Dumb Ways to Die Neutrals

Numpty | Hapless | Pillock | Dippy | Dummkopf | Dimwit | Stupe | Lax | Doomed | Numskull | Bungle | Mishap | Dunce | Calamity | Ninny | Botch | Doofus | Stumble | Bonehead | Putz

Minor Characters: Bear | Piranhas | Rattlesnake | Wasps

Moose | Panda | Hare | Octopus | Porcupine

The Sports Trio (Zany | Loopy | Ruckus) | Dumbbell | Madcap | Dingy | Boffo | Junior | Knucklehead | Bard | Reite | Boothy | Phyllis | Stupa | Blacksmith | The Dumb Team ( Chloe | Leah | Fiona | Dean) | James

Animals: Shark | Dolphin | Killer Whale | Penguin | Yeti | Bunyip | Salmon | Alien | Baby Aliens | Dragon

Other Videos
MIFF Extra Beans | Numpty's child | Señor Redcape | Bull | Munchies | Chicken | Trump

Miscellaneous: Phoney | Slaptery | Mr. Gate & Mrs. Gate | Unknown blue beans | Arnold | Blunder | Crash | Simpleton | Shonky | Nincompoop | Super Dumb | Clown | Russel | Dopey | Turkey | Doofus' coach | Divvy

