Neutral Characters Wiki




Neutral Characters Wiki

Kasumi Tendo is a major character in Ranma ½, she is the oldest daughter of Soun Tendo and the older sister of Nabiki and Akane. She is also the love interest of Dr. Tofu Ono.

She was voiced by Kikuko Inoue in Japanese and Willow Johnson in English.

In the reboot, she was voiced by Laura Post in English.


Kasumi is a 19-years-old girl with white skin, dark-green eyes and brown hair with a ponytail ties with a white ribbon. She usually wears a yellow loungewear dress with a white apron.


Kasumi is very kind with everyone, she always wants to help her family as far as she can. She took the place of her mother as the housekeeper after her death and she is the one who cooks, cleans and wash clothes. She is also very oblivious with love, since she usually misinterprets Ranma's intentions with Akane and is not aware about Dr. Tofu's feelings with her despite he literally goes crazy when she is with him. Kasumi also can't stand to see the suffering of others, as in the case of Ranma confronting his rivals.

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        Rumiko Takahashi Neutrals

Urusei Yatsura Logo
Nagisa Shiowatari | Mr. Shiowatari
Kasumi Tendo | Nabiki Tendo | Tatewaki Kuno | Akane's suitors | Kaori Daikoku | Golden Pair | Tsubasa Kurenai | Mariko Konjo | Nodoka Saotome | Mrs. Tendo
Inuyasha Logo
Mr. Higurashi | Mrs. Higurashi | Sōta Higurashi | Grandpa Higurashi | Buyo
