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The Mannequins are a large group of NPCs that appear in Glitch Productions' adult animated dark comedy/surreal web series The Amazing Digital Circus. as their name suggests, they are artificial intelligence that are in the form of mannequins. They are all used by Caine to create new character NPCs for his adventures and as a background filler for the creations he makes.


All of the mannequins act as if they are just regular people, with them doing normal actions that an ordinary person would do. Mannequins very rarely speak on purpose, while most of their dialog only contains screaming and pain sounds. In some places, they are either a plain beige color like they are originally portrayed as, or can be colorful like as shown in chapter 2.



The first appearance of the Mannequins is when Pomni is trying to look for Caine to help Ragatha. However, Pomni accidentally opens the door to Dr. Football's room, causing the latter to attempt to attack Pomni with a mask projectile, scaring Pomni into closing the door.

However, more mannequins can be found at a restaurant that Caine and Bubble were in, with the mannequins communicating to one another without actually speaking.

THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS - Ep 2: Candy Carrier Chaos!

The Mannequins in this episode are shown to be civilians in many colors, appearing within the Candy Canyon Kingdom cheering for the human newcomers (Pomni, Ragatha, Kinger, Gangle, and Jax) entering to the Candy Canyon Kingdom, with some even dancing. However, the Additional Voices is the only Mannequin in the episode to actually have a line to speak.

The mannequins would be seen cheering again when the humans come back, only to not realize that Jax left the gate open for The Fudge to come in an presumably eat more of the Candy Citizens again, with the mannequins showing fear of what was going to happen.

THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS - Ep 3: The Mystery of Mildenhall Manor

While not obviously seen, there is a Mannequin that was watching the main cast at the beginning of the episode. No more of them appeared for the rest of the episode.

THE AMAZING DIGITAL CIRCUS - Ep 4: Fast Food Masquerade



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           TADC Neutrals

Cellar Inhabitants (Queenie)
Caine | Bubble | Sun | Moon | Mannequins (Dr. Football, Additional Voices) | Princess Loolilalu | Gummy Elephants | Gummy Worms | Cookie Butterfly | Gummigoo's mother | Candy Canyon Kingdom Guards | Ghostly | The Bone Pastor | Martha Mildenhall | Barrel Monkeys | Jeffery | Fly | Orbsman | Albert Spudsy | Meatlad | Jack
The Amazing Digital Circus | Spudsy's

Production Comics / Manga
Pomni | Jax | Caine | Pomni's Mother | The Bone Pastor | Paine

Merch ads
Pomni | Ragatha | Jax | Gangle | Kinger | Zooble | Caine | Bubble | Gummigoo | The Angel

Caine: Kaufmo: The Amazing Digital Circus Short FanFilm | The Jester Sleeps Tonight | Blinded By The Spotlight | Escaping Virtuality | Running With Scissors | One Week of Wacky Wonder | A Therapy Animal
Bubble: The Jester Sleeps Tonight | Blinded By The Spotlight | Running With Scissors|Running With Scissors | One Week of Wacky Wonder | A Therapy Animal
Zooble: The Amazing Digital Circus VN Fangame | The Amazing Digital Comic | The Jester Sleeps Tonight
Kaufmo: KAUFMO: The Amazing Digital Circus Short FanFilm | Digital Chess AU!
Moon: A Therapy Animal | The Amazing Digital Circus VN Fangame
Others: Martha Mildenhall (A Therapy Animal) | Gummigoo (A Therapy Animal) | Max & Chad (A Therapy Animal) | Dr. Football (A Therapy Animal) | Kitti (A Therapy Animal) | Narrator (The Amazing Digital Circus VN Fangame) | Queenie (LISTEN CLOSELY)
