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She dreamed of wolves most every night. A great pack of wolves, with her at the head. She was bigger than any of them, stronger, swifter, faster. She could outrun horses and outfight lions. When she bared her teeth even men would run from her, her belly was never empty long, and her fur kept her warm even when the wind was blowing cold. And her brothers and sisters were with her, many and more of them, fierce and terrible and hers. They would never leave her.
~ Thoughts of Nymeria/Arya Stark, while sharing the former's body.
Rise. Rise and eat and run with us.
~ Thoughts of Nymeria/Arya Stark to Catelyn Stark's body.

Nymeria is a minor character in the A Song of Ice and Fire novel series. She is a female direwolf who was the companion of Arya Stark. She is a litter-mate of the direwolves Grey Wind, Lady, Summer, Shaggydog, and Ghost. She was named after the legendary Rhoynish Princess Nymeria of Ny Sar, famous for having led the mass migration of her people away from Essos and establishing the Principality of Dorne.

During the events of the first book, she protects Arya from Prince Joffrey Baratheon when he tried to attack her, only to be driven away by Jory Cassel and Arya for her own safety. As the series progressed, Nymeria has become a monstrous but fearless predator that is huge in size and has become the leader of a large pack of wolves in the Riverlands.

As she lives a life of survival, Nymeria and her pack became greatly feared by many in Westeros for terrorizing the lands of the Trident in which many tried to hunt her down but always failed, as she is impossible to be captured or contained and she would savagely slaughter any prey she targets, which includes even men aside from animals like sheep.


Nymeria has golden eyes and grey fur.


Originally, Nymeria has a strong bond with Arya and trusts her deeply. Having been trained at a young age, she is also shown to be obedient, as she would always learn from instructions given to her by Arya. After the latter was forced to drive her away to protect her from King Robert I Baratheon for assaulting Prince Joffrey, Nymeria was left to survive on her own in the harsh and unforgiving environments of Westeros. This may have harden her to the point where she would do anything to survive and protect herself. This includes hunting and killing aside from animals but also humans. She would even not hesitate to kill any wolves in her pack if they try to mount her. Nymeria is also known for her bravery and fearlessness, as she fears neither steel, fire or even humans.

Nymeria's personality would later reflect Arya Stark's now-dark, grey and villainous personality, as she would ruthlessly prey and kill anyone who did nothing to her or her pack. This was implied when it was claimed that Nymeria took a baby from a mother's arms and even feast on an innocent shepherd and his flock.


There's this great pack, hundreds of them, mankillers. The one that leads them is a she-wolf, a bitch from the seventh hell.
~ Conversation overheard by Arya Stark at Harrenhal.
They say the pack is led by a monstrous she-wolf, a stalking shadow grim and grey and huge. They will tell you that she has been known to bring aurochs down all by herself, that no trap nor snare can hold her, that she fears neither steel nor fire, slays any wolf that tries to mount her, and devours no other flesh but man.
~ Septon Meribald to Ser Hyle Hunt, the former and his pet Dog being scared of the pack's howls.


  • Ever since Arya drove her direwolf Nymeria away (with Jory's help) and now being distant from her, she now continuously dreams of her direwolf on several occasions, while she is skinchanging into her. This ability is what allowed Arya to confirm her mother's death following the Red Wedding. As she continued to dream of Nymeria, she sometimes growled and thrashed in her sleep, as claimed by the daughters of Bravoosi fishmonger Brusco.
  • Nymeria lost two of her litter-mates/siblings: Lady and Grey Wind.
  • Arya is fond of the name "Nymeria", having not only used it to name her direwolf, but also to name her invented fictitious galley for her former assumed persona "Cat of the Canals".

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Bastard's Girls | Lady | Nymeria Stranger
