Neutral Characters Wiki




Neutral Characters Wiki
Neutral Characters Wiki

The Fiend, aka Oleg Gusarov, used to serve in Spetsnaz. As long as he minded his own business, I had nothing against him, a Loner is a Loner. But I hear he's mustering a gang to crush down the Cordon and take control over smuggling operations from the Zone.
~ Sidorovich

Oleg Gusarov aka Fiend is a optional minor antagonist in the Ukrainian FPS Survival Horror video game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.

Oleg Gusarov is one of Sidorovich's assassination targets. Supposedly, Gusarov was planning on taking over Cordon's smuggling opeartions, which would've hurt Sidorovich's business.


Not much can be said about his personality, except for him being quite polite towards Mechenyj, when he asks for advice. And the fact that he is a "Loner at heart" who prefers to work alone.

According to Sidorovich, Oleg is a greedy man with some sort of leadership abilities, since, as Sidorovich says, Oleg was trying to take over Cordon to control the smuggling operations in there.


Gusarov wears a widely-used among Loners Sunrise Suit, consisting of light military bulletproof vest and a jumpsuit made out of rubberized fabric with a gasmask on. It is reinforced with inserted kevlar plates and provides low levels of protection.


Note: It should be noted that his backstory doesn't appear in-game, but in its files. So how canonical his backstory is under a question. His backstory as a Spetsnaz is confirmed, but anything else including his job in there is only from the game files.

Before arriving to the Zone, Oleg served was a "Black Beret" and served several tours as part of Belotserkovskaya Spetsnaz brigade. Serving there as a sniper and a bomb technician, and even became a master sergeant. It's unknown when he got to the Zone, or why he was named "Fiend", but it's known that Gusarov prefers to act alone. And even rejected numerous invitations to different clans.

At some point, Gusarov, according to Sidorovich was organizing a group to take over Cordon and its smuggling running, which brought a price onto his head from Sidorovich.

Powers & Skills[]

  1. Planning: As Sidorovich said, Oleg was plotting to take over Cordon and took control over the trafficking of artifacts in there, presumably for greedy reasons.
  2. Skilled Marksmanship: Gusarov is a former military sniper. Also, after leaving the Bar Gusrov is usually seen in heavily-combat areas, such as the Dark Valley and Yantar during the Military clean up.
  3. Scoping Vision (Via Sniper Obokan): Oleg Gusarov carries a unique rifle, the Sniper Obokan which is a variation of the Russian assault rifle Obokan. The rifle is a enhanced version Obokan with a non-detachable scope. The difference is that the scope on the Sniper Obokan is much more accurate than a just attached scope.
  4. Guitarist Knowledge: Oleg Gusarov just like any other stalker is rather experienced with a guitar.
  5. Bomb Expertise: It's known that Oleg was a bomb technician during his days as a Black Beret.


  • The only reason why he isn't on Villains Wiki is because his villainous acts are only in self-defense. Even his supposed attempted usurpation and gang organization is only on-paper and don't appear in the game itself.
  • Oleg Gusarov is one of the neutral unique weapon users, possessing the Sniper Obokan. Other neutrals being Vampire's Noiseless Viper, Master's Lightened IL 86, Sparrow's Noiseless Kora, Twig's Sniper SGI and Barin's Tunder 5.45. Also there's the Tunnel Stalker's Viper 5 9x18, but unlike others, he isn't a unique character.

External Links[]


           S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Logo Neutrals

Free Stalkers
Oleg "Fiend" Gusarov | Smartass | Zhorik and Garik | Vampire and Clumsy | Sparrow | Master | Tunnel Stalker | Rookie Stalker

Vasiliev | Kruglov's Group | Assistant Semenov | Assistants


Assassination Targets
Rookie Stalker
Oleg "Fiend" Gusarov | Smartass | Sparrow | Vampire | Twig | Master | Deserted Soldier | Insane Stalker | Freedom's Sniper

Insane Stalker | Barin | Deserted Soldier | Freedom's Sniper
