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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

The Pathosian Giants are a species of Giants that appear in MUGENWarrior's NES Godzilla projects. They are endangered, near-extinct Giants that used to populate all over Pathos until RED invaded the planet, reducing it to a mostly barren wasteland.



The Pathosian Giants were once a large race that populated Pathos. They were lead by a green Chieftain that was larger than all of them. They developed morals and laws, and they managed to keep Buffalo Rats as pets (much like how Humans keep Dogs as pets.). However, when RED invaded the planet to accomplish his goals, the Chieftain decided to fight RED and save his people. After a long fight, the Chieftain was killed, leaving the Giants in complete shock and horror. RED than presented the corpse to the Giants, forcing them to bow down to their new leader. After that, RED threw the corpse into a cave, where a parasite named "Blight" was inhabiting. The parasite soon took over the Chieftain's corpse and started controlling it.

Unknownst to RED, a group of Giants were training an Agelum named "Acacius", speaking of a prophecy of the Agelum freeing them all from the Hellbeast's tyranny. Unfortunately however, the group was snuffed about by RED, and he sealed Acacius away, leaving the prophecy in vain.

Godzilla Monster of Monsters CREEPYPASTA[]

When Godzilla and Mothra arrived on Pathos, they came across what was left of the civilization of the Pathosian Giants. Blue Jungle, small Giants were infected and controlled by Blue Matangos, and Blight fought against Godzilla, using the Chieftain's body. In the Blue Caves, Godzilla and Mothra saw the paintings on the walls that depicted the events that happened. These paintings gave them the first hints to RED's backstory, especially the one that depicted RED killing the Chieftain.

Later, in Extus, Mothra explored a Museum that had multiple artifacts being displayed. One of them was a collection of the Pathosian Giants' pictures taken on camera.


  • They originally appeared in Iuri Nery's Godzilla Creepypasta game, and their role remains mostly the same, except for the Big Giants not appearing at all.
    • MUGENWarrior couldn't find any sprite sheets for the Big Giants, but they're still included in the story.
  • They have similar counterparts in Trance and Dementia, but Trance's Giants and their pets alike ended up in worse condition.
           Godzillalogo Neutrals

Godzillasaurus | Giant Octopus | Hideo Ogata | Emiko Yamane | Kyohei Yamane | Faro Island Natives | Warbats | Sam Brody | Sara Hayes | Andrew Russell | George Russell | George Russell | Josephine Williams | Gene Williams | Doug

Audrey Timmonds | Mayor Ebert | Anthony Hicks

Video Games

Comics and Manga
Godzilla's Family


Suitguirus (MUGENWarrior) | Pathosian Giants (MUGENWarrior)
