Putz is a bean who ran across the tracks between the platforms and got hit by a train.
Putz is a violet-bodied bean that resembles a cashew. Two lower jaw teeth are visible, and he has tufts of hair on the side of his head. He has long, gorilla-like arms, unlike other beans. This image shows him in half when he attempted to retrieve his balloon. Perhaps from the train accident, he had two cross band-aids on his head in the previous ending.
Putz is seen clutching a balloon while standing on a platform in the footage. But his balloon eludes him, so he leaps off the platform and begins to cross the tracks to fetch it back. However, a train hits him, filling the screen with his screams. Later, his left side collapses as he and the others conclude the song.
With a score of 1200 in the previous edition and 288800 in the current one, Putz can be unlocked for the player's Train Station. He is the seventh bean to reach the train station in both versions, and the 36th item that may be unlocked in the most recent version.
The player must drag balloon strings to Putz's hand in his debut minigame, which was included with the software. As few as two balloons or as many as five may be present. All of the balloons must be dragged to the player's hand. He will hold a lot of balloons as the train passes if he has all of them in his hand. He will release his balloons and run across the tracks if he does not have all of them in his hands. The train will then strike him, sending him hurtling into the screen. You can unlock him at your rail station as well.
Dumb Ways to Die Neutrals | ||
Characters Minor Characters: Bear | Piranhas | Rattlesnake | Wasps App Game Animals: Shark | Dolphin | Killer Whale | Penguin | Yeti | Bunyip | Salmon | Alien | Baby Aliens | Dragon Other Videos Miscellaneous: Phoney | Slaptery | Mr. Gate & Mrs. Gate | Unknown blue beans | Arnold | Blunder | Crash | Simpleton | Shonky | Nincompoop | Super Dumb | Clown | Russel | Dopey | Turkey | Doofus' coach | Divvy Parodies/Fanon-Made: |