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Neutral Characters Wiki

Ronald McDonald statue is a minor antagonist in the 2007 Newgrounds short Rise of Alfred.

It is a statue that sits outside of a McDonald's near Burritobell, the job of a deranged dog named Alfred Alfer. During a manic episode, Alfred hallucinates the statue as a monster and guns it down.



           AlfredAlferLogo Neutrals

Alfred and Phat Dawg era (2005 - 2007)
The Laser Pointer
Cashier | Fat Man | Cat Lady | Convict | Police Officer
Rise of Alfred
Burritobell Diners | Burritobell (Advisor Babydoll-With-Screwdriver-Up-Peehole, Alfred's Boss, Cell Phone Dog, Fry Cook Dog, Mark) | Grimace & Birdie | Ronald McDonald Statue | Valentines Day Couple | Watermelon Vendor
Alfred's Playhouse era (2007 - 2011)
Alfred's Playhouse
Fed-X Mailman | Unidentified Arm
Alfred's StoryofChristmas
Alfred's Older Brother | Ass | Bob Marley | Buddha | David | Easter Bunny | Fidel Castro | George W Burning Bush | God | Goliath | Joseph | Lions | Mary | Maury | Moses (The Jewish one) | Noah | Rudolph | Santa | Scrooge | Teletubbies | Christmas Ghosts | Tiny Tim | Tooth Fairy
Father Oceania | Walmart Siblings
The Alfred Alfer Movie era (2012 - 2016)
The Alfred Alfer Movie
Alfred's Owners | Internet Troll | Liberal Protestor | Where The Dead Go To Die (Crows, N****rmelon, Where The Dead Go To Drink Patrons, Zombie Performers)
Schoolgirl Alfred in: I Remember You
G.G. Allin
Where The Dead Go To Die
Alfred Alfer
