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Well, off to visit your Mother!
~ Spy's quote of killing Scout, taunting Scout about the latter's Mother in-game
Ah, ma petite chou-fleur.
~ Spy on Scout's Mother

Scout's Mother is a minor character from the Team Fortress Franchise. She is the lover of the Spy and the mother of the Scout as well as seven other boys.


Scout's Mother was presumably born in Boston, Massachusetts. She had seven sons and at some unknown point, she met Spy and had an eighth son with him named Jeremy who would be better known as Scout. During her time spent with Spy some unknown photographer spied on her and Spy even during their "Intimate" time.


She wears a blue dress (though in a dream scout has, she is wearing a red dress) with no sleeves and has black hair. She also has some shoes that match her dress.

Relationship with Spy[]

It is well known that Spy does indeed love Scout's Mother, as well as that he is the father of her youngest son (which the Scout himself is unaware of, as the Spy deceived him into believing that his father is Tom Jones).


  • If she already had seven sons before she met Spy, that possibly means she is a little older then him.
  • She's the current icon of the Image Required template.


           Team Fortress 2 logo Team Fortress Logo Neutrals

Hale Family
Barnabus Hale | Bilious Hale

Team Fortress Classic Mercenaries
Medic | TFC Civilian

The First Mercenaries
Scout | Soldier | Pyro | Demoman | Heavy | Engineer | Medic | Sniper | Spy

Scout's Family
Scout's Mother | Scout's former wives

Demoman's Family
Mr. DeGroot | Tilly DeGroot

Heavy's Family
Heavy's Mother | Yana | Bronislava

Engineer's Family
Radigan Conagher

Medic's Family
Medic's Wife

Sniper's Family
Bill-Bel | Nar-Lah | Mr. and Mrs. Mundy

Mann Family
Bette Mann | Ebenezer Mann | Ezekiel Mann

Tom Jones | Patience Meriweather | Miriam | Phyllis | The Director | Doves | Trevor | Mayor Mike | Ghosts | Davy Jones | Seals | Sharks | Crocodiles | Tuefort Librarian | Will reader | Racoons | New Zealand Goverment | Shakespearicles | Francis the Talking France | Claude Huggins | Mr. Bidwell | Mr. Reddy | Eyelander | Poopy Joe | Archibald and Julius | Chicken Girl

Scout: Clinically Depressed Scout | Heavy is Dead | Jeremy (Emesis Blue) | Blutarch's Bodyguard (Emesis Blue) | Hostage | RED Scout (Pyro Paints) | RED Scout (Nobody wants Pyro's Coffee) | NO SMOKING | Hungry Scout (Delivery Mann) | RED Scout (Bloody Deck) | RED Team 'Casual' Poker Night | RED Scout (Love Hurts) | RED Scout (Never Anger a Magician!) | Scout (There's something wrong with Pyro) | BLU Scout (A Very Warm Smissmas) | RED Scout (I Got a Bucket of MAGICAL Chicken!) | RED Scout (Heavy Tries to Escape the DRIP but Fails Miserably) | RED Scout (The heavy is a fat headed abomination) | RED Scout (Spy Reacts)

Soldier: Clinically Depressed Soldier | Heavy is Dead | BLU Soldier (Lil' Pootis) | Civilian | RED Soldier (Nobody wants Pyro's Coffee) | RED Soldier (Keep Going, Buddy) | BLU Soldier (Keep Going, Buddy) | RED Team 'Casual' Poker Night | BLU Soldier (Do you know what is REALLY scary?) | RED Soldier (Heavy Tries to Escape the DRIP but Fails Miserably) | BLU Soldier (The heavy is a fat headed abomination)

Pyro: RED Pyro (Pyro Paints) | BLU Pyro (Lil' Pootis) | RED Pyro (Nobody wants Pyro's Coffee) | RED Pyro (Sniper's Moonshine) | RED Pyro (Food Heist) | RED Team 'Casual' Poker Night | BLU Pyro (The Strongest of The Mercenaries) | BLU Pyro (How to Get Rid of Pyro) | RED Pyro (The heavy is a fat headed abomination)

Demoman: Clinically Depressed Demoman | RED Demoman (Pyro Paints) | BLU Demoman (Lil' Pootis) | Construction Worker | RED Demoman (Nobody wants Pyro's Coffee) | Pak Tam (Delivery Mann) | RED Team 'Casual' Poker Night | RED Demoman (Demoman Do you know what is REALLY scary?) | BLU Demoman (Heavy Tries to Escape the DRIP but Fails Miserably)

Heavy: Clinically Depressed Heavy | Light | RED Heavy (Nobody wants Pyro's Coffee) | RED Heavy (Who Wants Pizza?) | Chef Heavy | RED Team 'Casual' Poker Night | BLU Heavy (Don't you feel Stoopid?!) | RED Heavy (Heavy Tries to Escape the DRIP but Fails Miserably) | RED Heavy (Spy Reacts)

Engineer: Clinically Depressed Engineer | Dell Conagher (Emesis Blue) | RED Engineer (Engineer likes Trains) | Hooligan | RED Engineer (Nobody wants Pyro's Coffee) | Tiny Desk Engineer | RED Engineer (Bloody Deck) RED Team 'Casual' Poker Night | BLU Engineer (The Strongest of The Mercenaries) | RED Engineer (Scream Fortress Scariest Menace) | BLU Engineer (There's something wrong with Pyro)

Medic: BLU Medic (Spy's Disguise) | BLU Medic (Lil' Pootis) | RED Medic (Nobody wants Pyro's Coffee) | Günther (Delivery Mann) | RED Medic (Sniper's Moonshine) | RED Medic (Food Heist) | RED Team 'Casual' Poker Night | RED Medic (A Very Warm Smissmas) | The heavy is a fat headed abomination

Sniper: Clinically Depressed Sniper | Sniper (Heavy is Dead) | BLU Sniper (Lil' Pootis) | Martial Artist | RED Sniper (Pyro Paints) | RED Sniper (Nobody wants Pyro's Coffee) | RED Sniper (Who Wants Pizza?) | RED Sniper (Sniper's Moonshine) | RED Sniper (Bloody Deck) | RED Team 'Casual' Poker Night

Spy: Ugly Spy | RED Spy (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Spy (Lil' Pootis) | Defender | BLU Spy (Pyro Paints) | RED Spy (Nobody wants Pyro's Coffee) | RED Spy (Keep Going, Buddy) | BLU Spy (Keep Going, Buddy) | Sébastien (Delivery Mann) | Mr. Red Spy's boss | BLU Spy (Food Heist) | RED Team 'Casual' Poker Night | RED Spy (Heavy Tries to Escape the DRIP but Fails Miserably) | Spy (Spy Reacts) | BLU Spy (The heavy is a fat headed abomination)

Groups and Organizations: BLU Team (Capture The Intelligence) | BLU Team (Crash Maul) | BLU Team (Lil' Pootis) | Car Repossessors (Delivery Mann) | The Collectors (Delivery Mann) | Mr. Red Spy's nieces | Protagonists (Garry's Mod) | BLU Team (Meet the Deathmatch Mercenary) | BLU Team (Gimme my Eye back!)

Miss Pauling: Lil' Pootis | A Very Warm Smissmas | Love Hurts

Spycrabs: RED Spycrab (Love Hurts) | Never Anger a Magician!

The Administrator: Lil' Pootis | Keep Going, Buddy

Merasmus: Nobody wants Pyro's Coffee | Do you know what is REALLY scary? | Scream Fortress Scariest Menace

The Devil: How to Get Rid of Pyro | Who Wants Pizza?

Others: The Tenth Class | Scout's Mother (Emesis Blue) | Scout's Mother (Lil' Pootis) | RED Mercenaries (Keep Going, Buddy) | BLU Mercenaries (Keep Going, Buddy) | BLU Sentry (Delivery Mann) | Golden Wattle Orphanage Owner (Delivery Mann) | Shark (Engineer Cooks TF2 Spycrabs) | Horseless Headless Horseman (Scream Fortress Scariest Menace) | Black Cat (I Got a Bucket of MAGICAL Chicken!) | Archimedes (Spy Reacts) | Monoculus (Scream Fortress Scariest Menace) | JonyDany12 | GUILLIESUIT | Hector0n | scubamaster96

BLU Spy (Coats and Canes)

Spy (Sugar Rush Stories) | Tari (Engineer cooks TF2 SpyCrabs) | Melony (Engineer cooks TF2 SpyCrabs) | Miss Pauling (If Undertale was Realistic)
