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Private Snuggles, known as Achuchones in the Spanish version, is a supporting character in the 2022 Spanish-French adult animated film Unicorn Wars.

He was one of the recruits from the Love Camp, sent out in the Magical Forest by Colonel Otto in order to find the Lone Owl Squad.

He was voiced by Iker Díaz Letamendi.




Snuggles is a turquoise curly furred teddy bear with white fur on his snout and ears and azure eyes. He is also always seen wearing a yellow bowtie.


  • It is common for fans of the movie to ship Snuggles with Tubby, mostly due to a scene where Snuggles asks him if he'd like to see his exposed penis again after Tubby helps treat his foot, which was biten by a reptile as he was urinating, though Tubby is noticeably highly heistant of this.
  • Snuggles serves as a foil to Bluey, particularly of his egotism. Just like Bluey, Snuggles is obsessed with his own looks, and can be somewhat self-serving. He was also the first to point out Bluey's imperfections, pointing out how he uses make-up to hide his wrinkles, something which upsets Bluey. Also unlike Bluey, when Tubby tries to help him, Snuggles warms up to him much more easily.


           Unicorn Wars logo 2 Neutrals

Teddy Bears
Love Camp Members
Snuggles | Pandi | Blackie | Smiley | Cuddly-Wuddly Twins | Chef
Mama | Papa | Rafael

The Magical Forest
