Neutral Characters Wiki




Neutral Characters Wiki

W-Welcome to our establishment!
~ The Bar Owner upon seeing Levi.

The Bar Owner was a minor and brief character in the manga and anime series Attack on Titan. He was a civilian in Stohess District that owns a small bar, where an attercation took place between Levi and Kenny Ackerman.


The Bar Owner is an older man of a short height. He has a bald head with grey hair along the sides and back of his head. He had a mustache, a more pudgy face and big eyes with dark yellow irises.

He wears a white oxford cloth shirt with an old style, dark and reddish colored vest over it and wears a red bowtie.


The Bar Owner was noticeably nervous and worried at seeing any commotion happening to his business. He was also easily brought to tears, as he had to be comforted by one of his waiters after the ordeal between levi and Kenny was over.



The man was born on July 21st, presumably in Stohess District. He would eventually open up his own small bar/saloon.

Royal Government arc[]

The Bar Owner was working during a normal day in his business, until out of nowhere, Levi Ackerman came storming into his bar, shocking everyone inside with the Bar Owner nervously welcoming Levi to his establishment. Suddenly, Kenny Ackerman came rushing into the bar claiming to take down the “rat” hiding there, only making the Bar Owner more nervous. Levi, while hiding behind the bar has a conversation with Kenny, while the Bar Owner and everyone else stay out of it. The man is frightened even more when Kenny suddenly throws a chair to Levi, which comes crashing into a wall with numerous bottles on it; (but the man’s reaction wasn’t shown in the anime, however.) Levi eventually grabs a gun belonging to the Bar Owner and shoots Kenny with it, buying some time to escape. He throws the gun into the hands of the Bar Owner, thanking the man of having possibly saved his life. Levi ten escape through a window.

The Bar Owner is later seen nervously breaking down with one of his waiters having to comfort him.


  • In the manga, he lives in Stohess District, where his bar is located. In the anime, he lives in Trost District, where the bar's location was moved. This change was caused by various narrative changes done in the anime version for the Royal Government arc.
    • In the manga version, Kenny and his squad attack Squad Levi after both group leave Trost and enter Wall Sheena through Stohess in the east. The attack only happens after the Survey Corps are officially disbanded and condemned as rebels, traitors, and criminals by the law, after the murders of Dimo Reeves and a few underlings. Kenny and his subordinate are sent by Rod Reiss and the government to dispose of Levi for being a threat. The reason why Kenny cheerfully shouts to the bar patrons how the MP has come to exterminate the rebels, is due to the fact the public already knows they are criminals.
    • In the anime version, the Royal Government is less subtle and resorts to violence immediately, without first declaring the Scouts traitors to the public, although they were already despised for the destructive raid on Stohess. Kenny is immediately sent by Rod to assault the Scouts at Trost, on the same day as the Reeves Company were following Kenny's own orders, much to the surprise of the rest of the Royal Assembly, who were not informed about such plan and only learn about it from a message from Rod himself. This makes Kenny's announcement to exterminate the Scouts in the bar odd, as at that point they were not declared traitors by to the public and Dimo Reeves is still alive, and is only later accused of helping the Scouts to hold Eren for their own personal gain.


            AOT logoNeutrals

Paradis Island
Royal Family
Rod and Uri's father | Frieda Reiss | Rod's wife | Urklyn Reiss | Dirk Reiss | Abel Reiss | Florian Reiss | Historia's child | Historia's husband

Survey Corps
Dieter | Jurgen | Ivan
Defected Yeagerists: Oliver | Yeagerist Guard

Military Police
officers: Dennis Aiblinger | Roeg | Waltz | Settlement MP
other members: Boris Feulner | Reinforcement MPs

Training Corps
Mylius Zeramuski | Nac Tias | Hannah Diamant | Franz Kafka | Tom | Ruth D. Kline | Eaten Soldier | Logistics Soldiers

Nobility: Lord Wald
Ackerman Family: Mr. Ackerman | Mikasa's mother | Kuchel Ackerman | Grandfather Ackerman
Arlert Family: Armin Arlert's parents | Grandfather Arlert
Springer Family: Mrs. Springer | Sunny Springer | Martin Springer
Others: Carla Yeager | Moses' mother | The three bullies | Jean's mother | Petra's father | Ellie | Kaya's mother | Marie Dok | Alma | Erwin’s father | Trost District citizen | The Bar Owner | Orvud District children | The Orphans | Eldian demonstrators

Marleyan Military
Warrior Unit: Tom Ksaver | Marcel Galliard | Udo | Zofia
Army soldiers: Koslow
Marley Navy: First Survey Fleet Captain | Liberio Port Sailor | Navy Engineers
Public Security Authorities: Liberio Gatekeeper

Tybur Family: Lara Tybur | Elderly Tyburs | Willy Tybur's wife | Fine Tybur | Willy Tybur's younger children
Yeager Family: Faye Yeager | Mr. Yeager | Mrs. Yeager
Braun Family: Karina Braun | Gabi's parents | Reiner's uncle | Reiner's aunt | Reiner's cousin
Grice Family: Grice | Grice brothers' parents
Galliard Family: Galliard brothers' parents
Others: Reiner's father | Liberio Interment Zone Doctor | Liberio Interment Zone Nurse | Marley diplomatic ambassador | Tower Cleaner | Ramzi | Halil| Ramzi's grandfather | Subjects of Ymir Refugee representative | The Clown | The Baby

Mid-East Allied Forces
Military members
Mid-East Alliance machine gunners | Wounded Mid-East Alliance soldier
Mid-East ambassador | Ramzi (formerly) | Halil (formerly) | Ramzi's grandfather (formerly) |
