Neutral Characters Wiki




Neutral Characters Wiki
Neutral Characters Wiki

Ah! Stay Back!
~ Tom being approached by a Titan.

Tom is a minor and brief character in the manga and anime, Attack on Titan. He was a member of the 104th Trainee Corps that fought during the battle of Trost District, where he would lose his life.


Tom was a young man that had short shaggy hair that he kept in an undercut. In the anime his hair was black while in the manga it was light colored. He had tanned skin, small grey eyes and thin eyebrows, while also being of average height.

He used to wear the typical Trainee uniform with a grey shirt underneath.


Tom appeared to be fearful in the time he was seen, having expired his gas before all others shows that he could've also been rather careless.



Tom was born on March 20th somewhere in the southern parts of Wall Rose. When he was old enough, Tom joined the 104th Training Corps southern branch.

Battle of Trost District arc[]

After 3 years of training to become a soldier, Tom was placed outside the top 10.

After the Colossal Titan breached the outer gate of Trost District, Titans began flooding into the city, causing the military to deploy Tom and the rest of his allies as combatants together with the Garrison to stop the Titan invasion. After Tom and his group started to almost run out of gas, they grouped together with the other trainees, being unable to get more as the headquarters have been overrun by Titans. After some brave convincing from Mikasa Ackerman, Tom and the others rush towards the headquarters being led by Jean Kirstein. Tom's gas completely runs out, however, leaving him stranded on the street. Tom is noticed by Jean but he is unable to do anything for him. Tom desperately attempts to make his gear start working until a small Titan runs towards him, causing Tom to fearfully yell at it to stay back. The Titan picks him up but two of Tom's friends come to his rescue, it is proven to be futile. As the two of them are both grabbed by Titans. Tom tearfully looks at the Titan holding him as it opens its mouth and bites through his head, killing him.

Jean notices that all the Titans in the surrounding area are distracted, making him use Tom and his friends deaths as a way to escape the situation and rush towards the headquarters. After arriving at their destination, Jean feels guilt for his decision of using his comrade's deaths as a means to escape.

Whatever was left of Tom's corpse would be burnt together in large bonfire with all other 207 deceased soldiers who died in the Battle of Trost.


            AOT logoNeutrals

Paradis Island
Royal Family
Rod and Uri's father | Frieda Reiss | Rod's wife | Urklyn Reiss | Dirk Reiss | Abel Reiss | Florian Reiss | Historia's child | Historia's husband

Survey Corps
Dieter | Jurgen | Ivan
Defected Yeagerists: Oliver | Yeagerist Guard

Military Police
officers: Dennis Aiblinger | Roeg | Waltz | Settlement MP
other members: Boris Feulner | Reinforcement MPs

Training Corps
Mylius Zeramuski | Nac Tias | Hannah Diamant | Franz Kafka | Tom | Ruth D. Kline | Eaten Soldier | Logistics Soldiers

Nobility: Lord Wald
Ackerman Family: Mr. Ackerman | Mikasa's mother | Kuchel Ackerman | Grandfather Ackerman
Arlert Family: Armin Arlert's parents | Grandfather Arlert
Springer Family: Mrs. Springer | Sunny Springer | Martin Springer
Others: Carla Yeager | Moses' mother | The three bullies | Jean's mother | Petra's father | Ellie | Kaya's mother | Marie Dok | Alma | Erwin’s father | Trost District citizen | The Bar Owner | Orvud District children | The Orphans | Eldian demonstrators

Marleyan Military
Warrior Unit: Tom Ksaver | Marcel Galliard | Udo | Zofia
Army soldiers: Koslow
Marley Navy: First Survey Fleet Captain | Liberio Port Sailor | Navy Engineers
Public Security Authorities: Liberio Gatekeeper

Tybur Family: Lara Tybur | Elderly Tyburs | Willy Tybur's wife | Fine Tybur | Willy Tybur's younger children
Yeager Family: Faye Yeager | Mr. Yeager | Mrs. Yeager
Braun Family: Karina Braun | Gabi's parents | Reiner's uncle | Reiner's aunt | Reiner's cousin
Grice Family: Grice | Grice brothers' parents
Galliard Family: Galliard brothers' parents
Others: Reiner's father | Liberio Interment Zone Doctor | Liberio Interment Zone Nurse | Marley diplomatic ambassador | Tower Cleaner | Ramzi | Halil| Ramzi's grandfather | Subjects of Ymir Refugee representative | The Clown | The Baby

Mid-East Allied Forces
Military members
Mid-East Alliance machine gunners | Wounded Mid-East Alliance soldier
Mid-East ambassador | Ramzi (formerly) | Halil (formerly) | Ramzi's grandfather (formerly) |
