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Though timid in looks, no adventure did skip her.

My heart melts when she asks, "Ever had a Big Dipper?"

~ Dandelion about Vespula in his planner.

Vespula is a minor character in the Witcher series. She is a resident of Novigrad who was in a relationship with Dandelion.

In the Polish series, she was played by Ewa Telega. In the Netflix series, she was played by Beau Holland.


Vespula first appears in the story of the eternal fire where she is outraged at Dandelion and then breaks up with him. When Geralt reached Novigrad he found Dandelion above her house surrounded by a crowd. What's more Vespula made such a fuss about Dandelion that she threw her flowerpots and jam jars at him from the balcony, not sparing peculiar insults uttered to the bard who was furious to the limit.

When the onlookers started watching this fight, they decided to encourage Vespula to continue the argument, and Jaskier tried to calm her down so that she wouldn't believe what the crowd was saying about his infidelity, but not very successfully. Then Jaskier decided that Vespula was also unfaithful, because she threw two pants over the balcony that weren't his.

In addition, Vespula threw Dandelion's lute over the balcony without a word, which would have almost ruined his career as a bard if Dandelion had managed to catch it. After catching his instrument, Dandelion after a while and when he met with Geralt, he did not answer too effusive way when he asked questions.

Some time later, when Geralt and Dandelion were chasing Doppler Dudu, they met Vespula by accident while she was shopping. Luckily for the heroes, Vespula didn't notice them because she was busy shopping and observing the goods of a dwarven pottery seller who didn't seem pleased with her behavior.

However, the heroes met Vespula for the third and last time when Geralt after the end of the fight with Dudu which ended with an agreement between both sides, Doppler changed into Dandelion and started playing the lute. Vespula baring her teeth and reacting in her proper way tried to pretend to be a nice person only to hit him unexpectedly with her frying pan Doppler sifting the bard. Hitting Doppler with the frying pan caused him to lose consciousness and began to change into a real doppler.

Geralt, to his anger, began to wrap the unconscious Doppler in a random cloth so as not to scare the Novigradians with Doppler's presence. Geralt explained to the whole crowd in a concise manner that Dandelion had just fallen ill on the spot. Which ended comically when Vespula saw two Dandelions, one real and the other changed by Dudu, who appeared suddenly, causing Vespula to run away in great panic. To which the real Dandelion did not understand why her former beloved had fled in such terror.


  • Although in the books Vespula has blonde hair, in the Polish series, film and games she has dark hair.